Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Meet Brayden Sholty!

You have NO idea what a very lucky little boy this is! He was born extremely premature. Him and Erin had us all very worried. But both pulled through it and you'd never guess by looking at this bruiser, that he was once hanging on by a thread! He's going to be 1 in November and I get to shoot his birthday party! I'm so excited. I had so much fun following him around as everyone took their turns holding him, making him laugh, and feeding him. So here's a few shots from our August family birthday party.

Brayden and Grandma

Mom and Brayden

Brayden and Aunt Naomi

1 comment:

jenjenjasp said...

oh tara, these are fantastic. I love everything about it...can I pretend I am you??? HAHAHAHAHA

The BW are beautiful. And the Vignettes are great.